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C.G.Bastar and Orissa, Kandhamal is also the home for the most primitive tribes of India. Gonds, Murias, Marias, Halbas, Bhatras, Dhorlas, Dhurvas, Kandha, Saura, Kui tribes are the main tribes. Nearly 67% of the total population is tribals. They live a very primitive life. Their literacy level is less than 15%; while their life expectancy is also lowest in the country. The tribal people are very poor and their livelihood is mainly depends upon agriculture, fishing, hunting, collecting Tendu patta (Beedi leaves), mahua flowers, fruits and edible things from the forest, etc. The tribal culture has its own uniqueness. Nayakhani, Aamanava, Mati, Diyari, etc are their main feasts. Dusshera festival of Jagdalpur and Narayanpur Mela (fair) are very famous religious and social celebrations of Bastar. Ignorance, illiteracy, superstitions, poverty, social injustice, etc are the major facts, which are responsible for the oppression, suppression and for the entire backwardness of the primitive tribal of this area.